
September 1, 2012

The View From my Window: Dublin, Ireland

I've made many promises that a post about my recent trip to Ireland is coming soon. And... ok. The trip isn't so 'recent' anymore. And truthfully, it's going to be more than one post. BUT, I have been working on it when I can.

See, here's the problem: I have a slight obsession with my camera. This may not seem like a huge deal, but trust me on this... it is. For sure. Any number of my friends and family can attest to this. For example, a normal person may take a few hundred photos on vacation, right?

I, on the other hand, took several thousand.

No worries, I won't be posting them all here. Especially since some of them are pretty awful. However, it takes time to sort the bad from the good. It also takes time to compose those photographs to tell a story along with the blog post.

So, I PROMISE, I'm working on it. Really, really hard.

In the meantime, I thought I'd post some pictures to whet your appetite. Much of our vacation was spent behind windows of one kind or another. The bus window, the window from our hotel, the window of the Guinness Storehouse...

My buddy Becky is almost as obsessive about her camera as I am about mine. So, despite the glass barrier, we were both clicking away. Rain or shine, didn't matter. We were having a fun, girl-vacation, and we didn't want to miss recording a second of it.

So, take a sneak peak at Dublin, Ireland, where we spent the first two days of our vacay. Much, much more on Dublin will be coming soon. I hope you enjoy the view from my windows!

(P.S. You can click on the images to see the full screen version)

Rain was our almost constant companion, but we didn't mind! 

General Post Office of Dublin 

A neighborhood street 

A church we drove past 

A city corner

Dublin canals along the River Liffey 

Pedestrian Signal 

Local bakery

The Papal Cross in Phoenix Park, Dublin 

View from the Gravity Bar at the Guinness Storehouse 

More coming soon to a blog near you... I PROMISE! 

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