
April 28, 2014

Pinterest Tested: Dandelion Fire

I know I've been gone for a week, and I'm super sorry. I fully intended to have several new posts, including a fun party appetizer recipe and a new post about London.

BUT. I've been sick all week.

Usually, even when sick, I can keep up with blogging. That's what laptops are for, right? Sometimes though, I have flare ups that knock me out and leave me sleeping 18 hours a day. Which is what happened this week.

I'm back now though, and I'm doing my best to catch up! Keep an eye out for several new posts coming soon. To commemorate my slide back to blogging, I tried out a Pinterest Tested moment with the Hubs on Saturday…

Nailed it??? NOT.

Ever since I saw this colorful picture of a flaming dandelion (left) on Pinterest, I've wanted to re-create that moment (right). New flash: I lit up half a dozen dandelions, and not one of them made pretty colors.


I guess not every Pinterest trick can work.

So that's all for now, peeps! Check back soon (like, tomorrow) for a new recipe. Until then, happy pinning!

Thanks for reading, everyone!
Follow me on Facebook @ OurArmyLifeAccordingToTheWife
or on Pinterest, my newest obsession ArmyLifeFromTheWife


  1. Sky glad you're feeling better. I can relate, the flu knocked me out this week. On the plus side, I finished Angels and Demons, one of the many books you sent with me on the road. Thank you :)

    1. I'm sorry you were sick too, it's no fun at all. But I'm glad you enjoyed Angels and Demons, I loved that book!
