
June 9, 2014

Crying in the Coffee Shop

This morning I've been working on a new post that makes me cry.

Don't worry, they're sentimental and happy tears! But it still makes me cry. Since I'm blogging in our coffee shop on post, people are staring at the crazy lady who is all sniffly and teary-eyed. Maybe I should finish the rest of that post at home?

Homecomings always make me weepy. I totally can't watch those shows, like Coming Home or Surprise Homecoming… at least, not without a box of tissues at my side. But I really wanted to create a post that listed some great sign ideas for your homecoming moments!

When I was expecting the Hubs home from deployment, I wanted it all to be perfect. I scrambled around, scrubbing the house and buying new outfits. I purchased gifts for the Hubs and made him his Final Care Package. And then I got around to making signs. I practically bought out the craft store of poster board, paint, and markers. I even bought decorations for the house. And then I purchased stuff to make a patriotic-themed cake.

I really went overboard, peeps.

But then I got all my packages home, and I realized I didn't have any idea what to put on my sign. And I was running out of time. Complete panic ensued.

Of course, I did manage several signs (the one above was hung on my front door). But I don't want you to go through the same panic as me when homecoming comes around. As happy as the occasion is, it's also very stressful, what with all the anticipation and everything. Hence the reason why I'm making a nice big list for you, so you can just pick a sign and make it.

I won't be writing that post today in the coffee shop though. Too many tears! I can't seem to help it, I just get weepy when I think of all those joyous homecomings. So I'll be back soon, with a complete list for you, after I buy a box of tissues to keep me company whilst I write.

In the meantime, feel free to post your homecoming ideas in the comments below! Until next time, my friends…

Thanks for reading, everyone!
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