
November 14, 2014

Pinterest Tested: Bacon Wrapped Tater Tot Bombs

Oh boy, I was so excited to try out this recipe!! The original link had amazing photos, and the recipe looked fairly simple. And the flavor combination was definitely intriguing.

I mean, come on... tater tots topped with cheese then wrapped in brown sugar bacon?? HECK YES!

However (insert sad face here)... I don't think I'll ever be making this particular recipe again. Total Pinterest fail.

Tater tots before going in oven

To start, the tater tots are messy to put together, so be prepared for sticky fingers. The cheese square also tends to pop out from its bacon wrapper. Once the tots are placed on the cookie sheet, they look a bit neater and I had higher hopes that despite the long prep process, this dish would be worth it.

Tater tots after cooking
I was so, so wrong. Totally not worth it.

The cheese melted and oozed out from the bacon wrapper. So not only was there no cheese, but it melted across my pan and burned. The brown sugar combined with the bacon fat created a sticky, caramel-like substance that also melted and oozed across my pan and burned. When attempting to remove the tater tots, most of them crumbled into pieces. Only a few came off the pan looking even remotely like the original picture I saw.

Never, ever again. I actually had to throw my cookie sheet away, it was such a mess. And while I really love the idea of this flavor combination, I think the recipe would be much better served nacho-style. Perhaps cooking the tots, then topping with cheddar cheese, a bit of maple bacon, maybe even a drizzle of bbq sauce.

Hey, maybe I'll try it sometime!

But for now, test this recipe at your own risk. If you do try it yourself, let me know in the comments how it went for you. Until next time, happy cooking!

Thanks for reading, everyone!
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