
April 13, 2013

Pinterest Tested: Dry Erase Picture Frames

This is my easiest, and most used, Pinterest project yet. See, the Hubs and I like to leave each other notes on our counter in the mornings. But over time, we waste a ton of paper.

I've been trying to cut down on waste in all parts of our life lately. Maybe it's just us, but there is lots of room for improvement in that area.

I first saw this project on Pinterest several months ago. Since then, I've wanted to make it almost every weekend, but something always popped up. FINALLY, just last week, I got around to making this project (if you'd like to see the original pin, check it out here).

Here's what you need:

A picture frame of your choosing, any size (I voted for a 5x7, but the Hubs insisted on an 8x10). You can make this project very inexpensively by purchasing your frame from the dollar store. I bought a more expensive one from Hobby Lobby, but I used a great 60% off coupon, yay!

You also need either scrapbook paper, or notebook paper. I chose scrapbook paper. A single sheet cost $0.59, but it was 50% off at Hobby Lobby, so I only paid $0.30. The other necessity is dry erase markers. You can find these at the dollar store as well. I totally overpaid at $5.99 ($3.59 after my 40% off coupon), but I wanted to get everything I needed in the same store, and I was already at Hobby Lobby.

An optional item is velcro. I bought the package you see above for $1.49. I figured we should attach the marker to the frame, or I would totally lose it. Since you only need one pair of the velcro combos, I still have 5 more for future projects. I attached it to my frame with hot glue, like so:

The rest is simple... cut your paper to match the size of your frame, and place it inside the same way you would a photograph.

Write your notes with the dry erase marker, then wipe off and use again. It's that easy! So much cuter than leaving a post-it for the Hubs everyday, and we're saving paper.

This is what mine looks like complete:

You'll notice there are two different styles here. One benefit of this is you can change the scrapbook paper to match any room you want, or even just to match your mood.

BUT, the reason I changed my paper was because the polka dots (left) make it too hard to read the writing. I suggest using less patterned paper, or your eyes might permanently cross trying to read your notes!

Otherwise, this project took about 10 minutes to complete, for a total cost of $13.37 (assuming you have a glue gun). However, if you purchase your supplies at the Dollar Store, this project would only cost you a grand total of $3.79!! 

I should have gone to the Dollar Store. I know it. You know it. We all know it.

But I didn't. Learn from my mistakes, peeps.

Happy pinning, everyone!

(If you've tested a great pin, and want to share it, please email me with your ideas. I'd love to see more guest bloggers here!)

Thanks for reading, everyone!
Follow me on Facebook @ OurArmyLifeAccordingToTheWife
or on Pinterest, my newest obsession ArmyLifeFromTheWife

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea!! PS-I've seen your notes. super cute:)
