
May 2, 2013

Pinterest Tested: "Days Down" Deployment Jars (Guest Post!)

Mwahahahahahahaha... I've convinced another army spouse to guest blog for us! My power of persuasion must be growing.

And I love that she chose a Pinterest Tested post. I actually considered making this myself at one point, but the project was pushed to the back burner during my travels earlier this year. This is a great idea, especially for those with young children.

This is the original pin:

And here is how it worked out for my pal, Jenny (read on below the picture for her take on this project):

... Super Easy project (and inexpensive)!  My kids and I had a blast making the labels, which we crafted out of some heavy stock paper and tied on with elastic ribbon.  Most of the Army men we already owned (I told my son he could have them all back when Daddy gets home).

We made a game of counting out the right number of men.  We used extra vases I had just sitting unused in a cabinet for our “jars”.  So far we are on Day 123, and they haven’t lost interest!  Every night before bed, the kids take turns moving a guy from the “Days Left” jar to the “Days Down” jar.  Sometimes they even let me have a turn!

I hope you enjoyed this guest post from Jenny... and perhaps it will inspire you to create your own countdown (or even guest blog of your own).

Happy pinning, everyone!

(If you've tested a great pin, and want to share it, please email me with your ideas. I'd love to see more guest bloggers here)

Thanks for reading, everyone!
Follow me on Facebook @ OurArmyLifeAccordingToTheWife
or on Pinterest, my newest obsession ArmyLifeFromTheWife

1 comment:

  1. This is cool! And especially good for the little ones at home. Thanks for sharing, Jenny!
