January 26, 2014

Snow Day!!

After complaining yesterday about the minuscule amount of snow, today I woke up to this…

Official snow day!! I guess my dance worked, ha. So instead of scratching items off my to-do list, I played out in the snow with my dog.

This is my dog, Lucy:

And THIS is my dog on snow:

She's such a wackadoodle, I love her.

We did this for more than hour, playing fetch and chase. Seriously, the best part of my whole day. Pets bring such joy into our lives. Lucy is perfectly content just to be with her people, and run around in the snow. So I followed her lead, ran around in the snow, then came inside to eat lunch and take a long cat nap… uhhhh, dog nap.

I hope you had a great Sunday as well! Check back in tomorrow for a new Pinterest tested post, One Pot Pasta. TTYL!

Thanks for reading, everyone!
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1 comment:

  1. Miss you and Lucy!!! She was looking at you like hey I caught it where did it go?
